For over 50 years, the Idaho Golf Association has been serving golfers and clubs across Idaho.
We are committed to providing access to the game, programs to attract new golfers and great value to golf facilities and Idaho’s amateur golfers.
USGA GHIN Handicap
GHIN stands for "Golf Handicap and Information Network" and is an elite handicap service provided by the USGA to state golf associations enabling eligibility to compete in amateur competitions, Idaho State Championships, and Pacific Northwest Championships.
GHIN members can post scores, calculate handicaps and retrieve handicap information online from any computer or mobile device. Individual Handicaps are tracked and re-calculated every day. Members will receive an email on the 1st & 15th of every month with their latest handicap and most recent IGA News.
"IGA members can now take advantage of an exclusive 20% discount on their next stay at Silvies Valley Ranch in 2025! The Ranch is home to stunning courses and a truly unique golf experience—including "World Class Goat Caddies!" Just a little over three hours from Boise in the heart of Eastern Oregon, IGA members will have the chance to test their games against a plethora of courses. Call the IGA offices to claim your discount code today!"
Access Development — IGA Member Deals
Because everyone loves saving a few bucks, the IGA and Access Development, one of the largest discount platforms around, have joined together to offer IGA members access to some of the BEST DEALS out there on travel, eating out, and more! All they need to do is create a profile today — making sure to contact the IGA office for the registration code!
Tour Your Discount Program Website
Member Perks
Member Perks are discounts on products and services that local businesses provide to every IGA member who has an active Handicap. Member Perks are not solely based on products and services within the golfing industry but have the potential of meeting your everyday needs and wants. New perks will be announced on the IGA’s eRevision and social media feeds that you can take advantage of.
Golf Digest +
All golfers with an IGA membership have new access to industry-leading content at a DISCOUNTED price! After subscribing, members will receive digital and print copies of the Golf Digest magazine, exclusive online content with interactive features, and more. BE SURE TO ASK US FOR THE CODE!
Access To Fun Golf
Being a member gives you access to the IGA’s two Winter Getaways: Palm Desert and Las Vegas! These annual trips provide affordable, fun-filled, non-competitive golf and lodging in fabulous Palm Desert, California, and Las Vegas, Nevada.
Rocket Tour
Head covers serve two purposes: protect a golfer’s clubs and provide opportunities for golfers to “show their stripes.” With amazing color combinations and a clever twist on a classic look, Rocket Tour head covers will provide IGA members the opportunity to style their own bags at a discounted price!
Need a personal caddie? Want to see a golf course like the professionals do? Strackaline yardage books will help give IGA members that extra bit of information they need to shoot their best scores, whether at an IGA Championship or in a local Mixed Chapman.
PNGA Magazine
The Northwest’s largest and longest-running golf publication, Pacific Northwest Golfer magazine has been the voice of golf in the Northwest since 1994.
Pacific Northwest Golf Association (PNGA) Membership offering a printed quarterly magazine for all golf news in the Pacific Northwest. The Golfer is all about golf, and dedicated to golfers.
Reduced Green Fees
IGA/PNGA Members get access to Chambers Bay, Silvies Valley Ranch, the OGA Golf Course and WA Golf's Home Course, and are afforded a significantly reduced green fee.
To obtain any and all access codes, please call the IGA office at 208-342-4442 or by emailing Lexie VanAntwerp at lexie@idahoga.org.