In 1991, the USGA established the P.J. Boatwright Jr. Internship Program. This program is designed to give experience to individuals who are interested in pursuing a career in golf administration, while assisting state and regional golf associations in the promotion of amateur golf, on a short-term, entry level basis.
Each internship is different, since the needs vary from association to association. An intern may help conduct tournaments, junior golf programs, membership services, and other general activities that promote the best interests of golf. Arrangements for multiple summer employment are possible as well.
The common thread, which runs through the internship, is exposure to tournament preparations, tournament administration and post-tournament business. The nature of tournament administration will test one's patience, initiative and decision-making abilities, as well as one's ability to endure long hours and hard work.
A prospective intern should demonstrate strong managerial potential and a sufficient interest in golf. Golf associations that participate in the Internship Program will provide an appropriate level of orientation and ongoing training and attention. Each intern becomes an employee of the golf association, which will have primary responsibility for recruitment, and sole responsibility for compensation, and supervision. Upon completion of the program, the USGA receives evaluations from both the association and the intern.
Not eligible for hire are golf professionals; USGA employees or their relatives; USGA committee members or their relatives; as well as association and organization employees and officials or their relatives.
Two of our 2023 Boatwright Interns, Lizzy and Tyler, at the USGA Boatwright Intern summit at the USGA headquarters in Liberty Corner, New Jersey.