2020 IGA Volunteer of the Year Announced
Kim Berrett
Boise, Idaho - 2020 has certainly been a strange year by most standards, but one thing, or one person rather, has been a constant just as he has in years gone by.
Kim Berrett, of Idaho Falls, has been named the Idaho Golf Association’s 2020 Volunteer of the Year. Kim’s presence is well known throughout the eastern side of the side, and chances are he may have worked on a club that you needed repaired at some point.
This year Kim went above and beyond his usual behind the scenes work to make sure that east Idaho was ready for the World Handicap system changeover.
“Kim spent countless hours traveling to numerous clubs in the Idaho Falls area and helping them transition to the World Handicap System software. He assisted in the efforts of IGA staff installing new GHIN posting machines, and providing tech support to Idaho Falls area golf clubs,” Caleb Cox, the IGA Executive Director, said. “In addition, Kim’s efforts were felt on site when Pinecrest served as the host site for the 2020 Idaho Junior Amateur, as he managed the golf cart fleet for spectators and IGA staff usage.”
Tim Reinke, PGA Professional at Pinecrest GC in Idaho Falls, has known Kim for over 38 years, and knows that people of Kim’s caliber don’t come around often.
“This year at Pinecrest, Kim took the time EVERY DAY to help get the 55 golf car fleet out of the shed each morning (around 5:30am). He was always enjoyable to talk to as he is always current on news events and the newest invention or discovery that happened in the world,” said Reinke. “We often times take the time to laugh about his dismal pay rate……..Zero. However, he refuses to be paid, and rather appreciates the time to “get going” early every day; a trait that he has done all his life.”
More than anything though, Kim is just the kind of person that you love to work and interact with, no matter what the project.
Reinke shared this final sentiment in reflection of Kim’s recognition, “He is always a true gentlemen and a fun person to be around. He feels most honored to be the IGA Volunteer of the Year; and I for one can truly say that he is most deserving. My only regret is that the IGA beat me to honoring him with this awesome volunteer award.”
Congratulations again to our IGA 2020 Volunteer of the Year award winner, Kim Berrett!