IGA Championships Volunteer: Karen Edwards

1 – Where are you originally from? If not from Idaho, what brought you here?
Los Angeles, CA, is where I was born.  We lived in the “Valley,” so I was a valley girl before there was such a thing! I was working in San Diego and not happy with my job. My family was moving to Idaho from Northern California, where we had other family. I decided to move here as well even though I had never visited. I love the outdoors and there was so much to do here.

2 – What is/was your career occupation?
I moved here in 1976 and worked for the Idaho Water Users Association for 43 1/2 years. I was a one-girl office, along with my boss, so I did whatever needed to be done. When I retired in 2019, my title was Office and Program Manager. During that time, I worked for three different bosses.

3 – What is it about the game of golf that you love so much?
Meeting new people. I was 33 when I started playing golf. Because of golf, I now have lifelong friends, which include Nicole Bird’s mother-in-law, Kay Wilt.

4 – What made you want to volunteer for the IGA? When did you start?
I’ve volunteered at the Albertsons Boise Open since it started and that is only once a year. I was looking for more volunteer opportunities in 2022 when I learned about the IGA’s need, and of course, I jumped at the chance since it had to do with golf.

5 – What do you hope to get out of volunteering for the IGA? What motivates you to keep coming back?
Meet more people who share my love of all things golf. I loved shuttling the junior golfers and asking them where they were from. The U.S. Junior Amateur Qualifier was also fun since I got to meet many players, boys and girls, who came from other countries. The future of the LPGA and PGA is bright. My motivation to keep coming back is to encourage those I get to meet.

6 – What has been your favorite memory from volunteering for the IGA?
Being retired, I needed to find some new purpose in my life. Helping others and volunteering do that for me.

7 – What would you say to someone who is thinking about volunteering?
It is so fun watching our local golfers, whether they are juniors, women or men competing in a sport you can play throughout your entire life.

8 – What is your fondest memory on the golf course?
Getting my one and only hole-in-one at Ridgecrest Golf Course on Hole No.12 in 2007.

9 – When were you introduced to the sport? By who?
My first boss took up golf. He was always leaving work to go play, leaving me at the office by myself, and encouraged me to try it. I bought a used set of clubs and was hooked. I joined the Twilight League at Warm Springs Golf Course and jumped right in even though I didn’t have a clue what all the terminology meant! Nicole’s mother-in-law was the president at the time, and I was always asking questions! She has ended up being one of my lifelong friends, and I’ve been playing the game ever since.

10 – What is your home club? How often do you play?
Warm Springs Golf Course. I used to play a lot, along with tournaments, until my body started giving out on me. I’ve turned into a fair-weather golfer, but I still try to play once a week.

11 – What's something about you (a fun fact) that not many people know?
If I carry a purse it has to be big enough to carry everything. My golf bag is the same. My golf friends have learned this and know if they need anything such as nail clippers, aspirin, warm clothes, etc., they know I’ll have it and will share. If I’m playing with new people and I hear they need something, I’ll offer it to them, even if they are my opponent.

12 – Who would be a part of your dream foursome to play a round of golf with?
Nancy Lopez, Meg Mallon and Annika Sorenstam (My grandparents came to the U.S. from Sweden!)

13 - What has been your favorite golf course that you have played?
Princeville and PoiPuBay in Kauai…on a golf trip with Nicole’s mother-in-law.

14 – Describe your golf game in six words
It comes and goes…oh well!

15 – What's one item that you can’t live without?
Having a dog in my life. Being single, a dog gives me companionship, someone to come home to, and gives me unconditional love.


Forget Par - Aim for Your 'Target Score' Next Round


Modifications Made to Qualifying for USGA Amateur Events